Monday, January 5, 2009

The Road to Restoration

Text: Ezra 1:1-11

Thesis: our road to restoration is directly and intrinsically connected to the sovereign will of God to always keep his promises

I. Purpose of the Promise

-verses 2-4...God expresses the promise that he made to Jeremiah is filled with the purpose that he has for the children of Israel
-their purpose was to build God a house in Jerusalem

1. God presents his purpose to anybody - he charges Cyrus to build a house
2. God reveals his purpose to everybody - verse 3 he appeals to everyone

II. Performance of the Promise

-verses 5-6...suggests that we must be willing to walk in our purpose to allow the promise to be fulfilled

1. learn to work with limited resources - verse 5...he made the call to all 12 tribes but only Judah, Benjamin and the Levites answered the call
2. learn to give God all that you have - verse 6

III. Prize in the Promise

-verses 7-11 suggests that when you walk in the purpose that God has for you in order to fulfill his promises, you shall receive a reward

1. unorthodox origin - verses 7-8...God uses Cyrus to be a blessing to the returning Jews
2. substantial sufficiency - verses 9-11...God gives them everything that they need to be stable financially


Ronald said...

Pastor keep preaching Gods Word. Thank you for this post.


Keith D. Witherspoon said...

Great Outline Revun!!

I pray that God grants all of your hearts desire this year!!

Pastor Rev. Ray E. Owens said...

Bless you reverend, no one leaves your church hungry for the Word. You serve full-course meals, thank you for feeding me on-line.

Keep running,


Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

Great outline my Brother.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

"The Road to Restoration" is a highway each of us must travel at any given time in the seasons of our lives. For some it is a continued pathway. I'm presently being restored from a recent storm. Again, another Pastor has met a personal need today. Thank you son.

Happy New Year to you and yours!


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

I frequent this road often. Thank God for your ministry. Much success to you this year.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Pastor Lance, I don't know how often you check your email so I am letting you know here that you have one waiting from me. I identified myself in the subject box so you'd know it was me. Hope to get a response soon.
