Monday, June 18, 2007

Breaking The Series

On yesterday, I was led to break our attempt at biblical exposition of the book of Ephesians, which is something that I detest doing, because I believe that if the Lord leads me to preach an exposition of a theme or an entire book, he gives it to me so that the people of God will receive the entire message that God wants them to get. But because of our very important church meeting on Saturday, I felt led to preach a message of hope to our church. He led me to a sermon that I have preached before but never at First Mount Zion from the book of Jeremiah, 18th Chapter. Here is my sermon outline:

Title: Clay Under Construction
Text: Jeremiah 18:1-6

Thesis: As long as we stay in the presence of the Master Potter, there is still a chance for a changed life

I. Progress of the Clay

a. verses 1-2

b. arise and go down to the Potter's House

c. God commands Israel to move from their down condition to hear God's
Word for their life

II. Problem of the Clay

a. verses 3-4

b. clay was marred in the hand of the potter

c. marred means we are responsible for our own problems

III. Potential of the Clay

a. verse 4

b. the potter cares enough about the clay that he will make it over again

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