I would like to pose this question to hopefully elicit a few responses to this interrogative; are mega-churches a help or a hindrance to the body of Christ. For if we were to look at the Word Network, TBN, The Church Channel and even BET on any given day, we would find nothing but mega-churches prmoting their services, conferences, tapes and books, but are they really helping the body or hurting the body? They deliver messages on socialism, current events, how-to subjects, prosperity, planes, cars, clothes, etc., but is that really helping the body or hurting the body.
My question to you is, how do we obey the Great Commission and go out into this world to make disciples out of all men, to compel them into a life of service to the Lord within a local congregation, yet still remain faithful in our message, motives and mannerisms?
By the way, how good does my Lakers look now H.B. (lol). All the way to the title!
I don't know if the Mega Churches are hurting the kingdom or not. I think what it promotes in it's teaching by way of "motivating" the people is good. But,I wouldn't categorize it's organization as "Church" because it doesn't teach the entire Word and the consequenses of sinful living and the real promises to expect. For those who are already saved and very doctrinated, this could be very intertaining by way of an extra curriculum in addition to REAL church worship and bible study. Mega Churches and even very large congregations are not for me. I love the family atmosphere of a church of about 300 or less and really having a Pastor/member relationship with one another. I don't really think I would have this in a congregation of 10,000 plus membership. I want to know the whole truths of Christian living and what it entails throughout my journey towards eternal life. This is just my opinion. Thank you.
Hey Lance, help me here. What defines a mega church? One that is on T.V.,one that has over a thousand members? Mega, meaning "great" defines what? The membership or the percieved status?
I think the mega church has great potential given the right leadership. Unfortunately so much of what we hear from the leadership of most of the "mega churches" most of us think of as "mega churches" is less than sound biblical preaching/teaching. And while it may be popular to jump on that band wagon and pumel the preacher I am quick to ask myslef, with my less than "mega" membership, am I committed to doing the hard work demanded to be faithful to the scriptures without compromising to get the next family to join my church?
How do we obey the Great commission? Whether "Mega" or miniscule,Preach the Word without compromise!
Tony R.
It is a great way to end a hard week. I can get lost in the crowd, no pressures to break off into other ministries of the church, fulfill my promise to my parents to attend church regularly,pay 10%, then go home happy. LOVE the Mega Church!!!
I believe that there are great things that Jesus is doing in the lives of people through churches of all sizes. I also know that there are things that all churches need to work on.
The question for me becomes: Am I cooperating with God to bring quality preaching/teaching and leadership to the church that I have been called to serve?
There are most definitely abuses, lack of biblical, expository preaching, servant leadership, etc. in SOME of the mega churches...but those things are also in SOME "small" churches as well.
My encouragement to pastors, leaders, staff, and/or volunteers would be to strive to be faithful to live a life patterned after Jesus, to lead diligently, to preach/teach sound doctrine, to serve in love, AND to develop other pastors, leaders, staff, and/or volunteers to do the same.
We won't be able to change the state of some churches, but we can influence those whom God has placed in our lives.
The question is..."Are Mega-churches Hurting the Kingdom? Operative word being "HURTING". I am waiting for a definite yes or no on that. I will continue to check back.
Be Blessed
To anonymous:
I would agree with you that the operative is "hurting". I would also add that it is not feasible, at least from my perspective, to give a definitive "yes" or "no" answer regarding this question because it would cast a blanket statement over ALL mega-churches.
So let me be direct as possible: In SOME ways, SOME Megachurches are hurting the kingdom (i.e., causing some non-Christians to look at the church, and possibly even Jesus, with contempt).
This, of course, is just my opinion on this matter.
Thank you for clarifying the operative word (Hurting) for me. I think your opinion on the yes or no answer is a good one. I understand I should not place ALL Mega Churches in the same catagory. It may be possible "some" are doing a great work for the Kingdom. I am one that has a tendency to look at those churches with bias eyes on whether or not they are for financial gain only. Thank you for the response. Now, I don't have to check back so often for an answer to this question unless...another opinion causes me to desire further dialogue :-)
Be Blessed
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