Monday, April 28, 2008

The Church That Endured Suffering

On this past Lord's Day, we continued our series on Jesus' letters to the 7 churches of Asia Minor housed in Revelation 2-3, by examining his letter sent to the church at Smyrna. The foundation that I was led to express to our church that needed strengthening was this thought of enduring suffering as a child of the King. For it is clear that we have been called and set apart to suffer for righteousness, and this Smyrnian church was a people that spent every day under intense persecution for their allegience to Jesus Christ.

Jesus in verse 9, gives them a commendation by telling them that he knows the circumstances that they were facing as well as the fact that this church had cruel enemies who had brought sever afflictions that produced stress and distress. They had no monetary means of survival, but yet He tells them that they are rich, which is a suggestion that they may have been in poverty in this world, but they were rich spiritually. And he tells them that he knows that there are people who come to them saying they are like them, but really they are of the synogogue of Satan. All of this has caused this church to feel the weight of this persecution and may even desire to give up. But Jesus tells them in verse 10 that whatever persecution they will face, it will last only for a little while, when he says thou shalt have tribulation for ten days. This simply means that trouble won't last always. Thank God our troubles won't last very long. Here is the sermon outline:

Thesis: we are able to perservere through our struggles due to our immense belief that our suffering is only temporary

I. Fearless in Our Suffering

-verse not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold the devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested

-the characteristics of our suffering makes our fearlessness impressive
a. Promoter of Our Suffering - behold the devil
b. Place of Our Suffering - is about to throw some of your into prison
c. Purpose of Our Suffering - that you may be tested

II. Faithful Through Our Suffering

-verse faithful unto death
-faithfulness of their Pastor Polycarp

III. Flourish Because of Our Suffering

-verse 10...and I will give you a crown of life


Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor Lance for this encouraging word. We NEVER get tired of hearing That while we suffer for rightousness sake we shouldn't fear and we must remain faithful in our suffering.I know it to be true that weeping may endure for a night but joy WILL come in the morning.


Ed Johnson III said...

Thanks for responding to my question. I truly appreciate your honesty and candidness. Thanks for sharing.