Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Blessings of God!!!

I am extremely happy and elated to tell everybody that the Lord has blessed our church this week in which we closed on the sale of our present location. GOD BE PRAISED!!! We have sold our building to a Brazilian congregation who will benefit from the community better than we can because their church fits the demographics of that community.

We have been on this relocation journey for more than a year, and the trip has been filled with many ups and downs, many detractors and those who have dissented. But no matter how many doubted whether or not we would get to this point, I want to tell them that God specializes in making a way when there seems to be no way. He opens doors even when it is said that there is no door to be opened. And because of those characteristics I totally trust God to bring to fruition what he has promised will come to past.

We will be sharing the building with the other congregation for a little bit while our new building is being made ready for us. This will really be an adjustment for our church who is used to a routine, which will not be broken, but it is the attachment that many of them have for the building and seeing improvements made on the building while we are still there, will be really tough for them to digest.

I solicit your prayers for our church and for me, as we await with excitement for what the Lord is getting ready to do for us and to take us. We had a church meeting today in which many of our members did show the same excitement for the soon to come blessing that will allow us to move to our next phase of our ministry.


Anonymous said...

"Count your many blessings and name them one by one....Count your many blessings and see what the Lord has done"!

Congrats Lance

God be praised.


Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

I not only echo the seniments of Tony; but know that I am praying for you and congratulate and your congregation on this milestone. There will always be people who resist change; but God has given you a vision and boldness to act upon that vision. Keep up the good work my friend. Continue to preach the word!! -Kraig