This week is a real stressful one that seemingly has me gripped with an overwhelming feeling of not making things happen fast enough when it comes to the purchase and renovation of our new location. It seems like every time we make some headway with this second phase of our project, red tape, politicians, contractors and stuff after stuff keeps us running in sand with the appearance that we are further and further away from our finish line. All of this has made this week one very difficult one. I am trying to finish a lot of leg work and meetings and agreements before the end of this week because for the next couple of weeks, I will be out of town with my teenage sons in Florida and on vacation with Penny. But at this rate, I will be running up a wall before then.
What I have discovered is that I believe that God is trying to teach me through my experiences the truths of that phrase of the model prayer that I preached this past Lord's Day found in Matt. 6:10, when Jesus taught his disciples to pray, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The point of that is that our plan is not God's plan and things will be much easier to handle when they don't go the way we want them to go, as long as we come to grips that we must make God's agenda our agenda. So I trust that whatever obstacles are standing in our way this week, the words of Paul will ring true, all things are working together for our good, because we truly love the Lord and are called to his purpose. Please keep our work this week in your prayers.
Speaking of my sons, I cannot wait to get to Orlando on Monday to see them. I have not seen them since last August, and there has been a hole in my heart ever since. They are teenagers and they are at the point in their live when they need me more and I will spend more time in Orlando for the rest of this year, a couple a days every other month. I am truly asking for your prayers for Marquis and Devante (D.J.) and pray for Penny who has to deal without her Honey for a few days, I don't know what she will do without me (LOL).
My best friend, Pastor Keith D. Witherspoon, pastor of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, Sound Bend, IN has become the newest member of the blogging fraternity on yesterday. I have been trying to get him "blogged in" for the last year and it has finally worked. When you get a chance, stop by his blog at and read his passions and convictions about Jesus Christ and his opinions about the condition of the world today.
Hey Lance, it may seem with all the incumberances you are having to deal with to get into the new building, know that with God leading the way the long route just maybe the best route.
I remember hearing one great preacher say "the escalator will get you there quicker but the stairs will get you there stronger."
Be Encouraged!
Tony R.
I know exactly what you mean brother. But the struggle will be worth it in the end. Things don't come easy in our Christian faith but thank God on the side of this you will be stronger tomorrow than you are today. I will be praying for you in this endeavor.
Lance...let me say this--thanks for the encouragement; but more importantly, I am praying for YOU and lifting up the entire church family during this time of purchase and renovation. God has blessed your congregation with a great pastor who has been equipped to move this congregation to uncharte territory. I will also be praying for your trip and for Penny, Marquis and Devante and the entire family. We left Florida a few weeks ago and we loved it. In fact, we also happened upon a soul food place called Mama Nems'. Man, I hope you have a blast during the course of the year and valuable time with your sons. I will have to check out our new blogger. God Bless my friend. I will call you soon! Kraig
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