Monday, November 3, 2008

A Church That Survives

On yesterday, we began our new series on how and why God created his church, which is a series on Acts 2 that I have tagged the series, Created For A Community. Before I delved deep into Acts 2, I wanted to, by way of introduction, to deal with the first instance where Jesus mentioned the church found in Matthew 16:13-20. This design of this message for the FMZ church was to explore through scripture why the church was created for if we can get a clear grasp of why the church was formed, then it will help us to realize that if we focus on the why, we can make it through the rough times of life in our church.

For the law of first reference tells us that it is imperative for us to really take a good look at this word church. It is defined in the Greek as the ecclesia, which means the called out, set apart people of God to be used for his service. I am so glad that God has looked at us in our sinfulness, our weaknesses and our proclivities, our hang ups, for which, he knew this about us before we ever got here, and he still chose to set us aside so that we can be used to turn this world upside down. God Be Praised!!!

Jesus leads the disciples into the region of Caesarea Philippi, a region that was known for its pagan worship, and it is with this paganistic ideals situated in the background, Jesus asks his disciples, who do the people say that the Son of Man is? The people confused with the question responds with John the Baptist. For Herod and many of the people felt that Jesus was John raised from the dead. Others said he was Elijah, for Malachi (4:5) prophesied that he would come again. While yet others said Jesus was Jeremiah, because the same attribute of a broken heart for the condition of the people was found in Jesus as well as the weeping prophet. But Peter gives the best response when he said, thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. That's how a church survives in a world that is going to hell in a handbasket...confess that Jesus is the great head of the church. We make it, all of us because we recognize that Jesus is at the helm of the called out people of God. Here is the sermon outline:

Thesis: churches survive in a hostile culture with their clear confession that Jesus Christ is the great head of the church

I. Foundation of God's Church

-verse 18...thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church

a. character of the foundation - Jesus and not Peter is the rock the church is built on
b. cause of the foundation - I will build my church

II. Future of God's Church

-verse 18...and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

a. challenge to God's church - and the gates of hell
b. conquest of God's church - shall not prevail against it

III. Function of God's Church

-verse 19...and I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven

a. potential of God's church - I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven
b. power of God's church - and whatever is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven


Keith D. Witherspoon said...
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Keith D. Witherspoon said...

Great preaching Revun!! FMZBC is blessed to have such a prolific and profound preaching presence!!

Fitts said...

Pastor Mann, you never cease to amaze me with your commitment to biblical exposition and your ability to come up with clear and powerful outlines.

You are a skilled craftsman!


Reginald C. Payne said...

Sounds like a great start to a helpful series Mann I know FMZBC will be helped through this series, I praying for your time of study in Acts.

Unknown said...

Lance great start. I truly believe that the church needs fundamental messages such as this one.
Help me understand verse 19, "bound in heaven, bound on earth, loosed in heaven loosed on earth"?

I look forward to reading the rest of your outlines concerning this series.


Tony R.

Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

Lance, this sounds to be an awesome series; and I wish I was there to hear it! I am excited about what God is doing in the life of your church, and you are in my prayers, day in and day out. We love you and continue to lift you up before the throne of grace. Again (I know I sound like a broken record), these outlines are mammoth!!!

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

Great post my brother. Keep up the good work. I was blessed by your post as I read it this morning.


Hi there...

I am off-topic right now but I had to mention the victory!!

- Toot's grandson
- Michelle's husband
- Sasha and Malia's daddy
- OUR PRESIDENT, the gap man our lifetime.

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Great Outline!! You da man!!!

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

The mind of you Pastors never cease to amaze me. Fantastic outline. I wish I could have been in attendance. Thank God for the church and preachers like you Pastor Lance.
