Monday, November 10, 2008

It Began At Pentecost

What a day we had in worship at First Mount Zion, the Lord showed up in the house. I came to church with absolutely no expectations on what will happen, but I had a real heaviness on my heart. I naturally thought that I was worried about something, but I just could not put my finger on it. So I went to the pulpit to lead the church in worship, and something just clicked. I led the church in a medley of worship songs such as: Welcome Into This Place, Lord, I'm Available to You and I Love You Lord, and let me tell you, we had a worship experience in that place. God be praised!

We continued our series on the Model Church entitled Created For A Community, which is our study through Acts chapter 2, by lifting up verses 1-4, which I tagged It Began At Pentecost. I would suggest that the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ is one of the most important events ever recorded in human history. 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus during the feast of Pentecost, 120 believers were in the upper room, in one place and on one accord. Not special people, but ordinary people who happened to believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, gathering together in a spirit of unity to do the will of God. The reason why churches have ceased to be effective in ministry, is because they are not committed to a unified effort to perpetuate the cause of Christ. In days such as these, when people are going to hell in a hand basket, where sin is tolerated more and more in the church, God is looking for his church to get on one accord, so that the Holy Spirit can show up in our lives. Here is the sermon outline:

Text: Acts 2:1-4

Thesis: the unity of the people of God releases the power of God so that the people of God can perform the will of God

I. Audible Mark

-verse 2...and suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting
-when the people got together in unity, the God sent an audible sign

a. surprising sign - and suddenly
b. spiritual sign - there came from heaven a sound
c. strong sign - like a mighty rushing wind
d. shocking sign - and it filled the house where they were sitting

II. Awesome Manifestation

-verse 3...and divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them
-when the people became unified God sent a visible appearance

a. explanation of the manifestation - divided tongues of fire...this word is pictured as a single body that was divided so that it would fall on each of them simultaneously to give them the knowledge of the grace of God to share with the world
b. existence of the manifestation - and rested on each one of them

III. Accomplished Mission

-verse 4...and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance
-the Spirit came to complete that which was originated in Genesis, advanced to Calvary and exposed on Pentecost

a. filling of the Holy Spirit - and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
b. focus of the Holy Spirit - and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterence


Pastor Rev. Ray E. Owens said...

God is good, reverend, I know you are a bad man but that outline is just sick. I know the Lord blessed your worship on Sunday, thanks for blessing me late Monday night.

Fitts said...

Pastor Mann,

you are most gifted my brother. You are undoubtedly a skilled craftsman who sho-nuff cuts it straight! Your outlines show diligent study and preparation. It's apparent preaching is your passion.

Keep up the good work; the body of Christ is better because of your ministry.


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

What a masterpiece my brother! This goes down as one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

Keith D. Witherspoon said...

Wow!! What a preacher!! You are a wonderful brother to help this week!!

Min Shelton Brown said...
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Min Shelton Brown said...

Pastor Mann,

That's a wonderful outline and its good to know that you had an awesome time in worship. I pray the Lord continues to manifest himself.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I love worship experiences like these. Especially when they appear most unexpected because of an obvious low temperature in the spirit of the people. It is awesome to see the Holy Spirit manifest Himself during praise service. I pray that we as Christians would learn more and more how to be on one accord that "began at Pentecost"

Thank you for the "shout out" for my birthday. My heart smiled as I read. Truly, Fitts IS the most mischievous of all my sons. But, not the ONLY mischievious son :-) Take care.


Ronald said...

Revun! good work Pastor, you are truly a blessing to God's Kingdom.

Shanita Waters said...

Hi Pastor... this is my first time here. I am glad I stopped by. I enjoyed your outline. I really need to learn to do this wheneever I have to minister. I actually write the whole thing up and usually get away from my notes but I use them as a "cushion". I believe God is moving me out of my comfort zone and I think an outline just may be my first step.


Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

My friend..I am glad to hear of your amazing time in worship! I am excited to know that your leading worship lead others into the presence of Almighty God. I simply wish I had been there; but thank God for future possibilities! I also love the outline once again. I look forward to the day when you walk us through the process of how you prepare such insightful outlines. Keep up the good work. I am continually excited about what the Lord is doing in your ministry - to God be the glory!!!

Anonymous said...

Lance it appears you discovered some rich nuggets in your deep diggining into this text.

Keep up the hard work my friend and stay at the wheel.

Be Encouraged.

Tony R.