Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Chance

I was back in the pulpit after a wonderful vacation, and we continued our series on the Model Prayer found in Matt. 6 with an exposition on verse 12 which says, forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors, which I tagged this text Another Chance.

I was really worried about the message because I was on vacation and I made up my mind that I was going to have a true vacation and focus my attention on enjoying my wife and our time together away from everything. So, I didn't even look at the text until Friday afternoon, but one of the great things about being in a series is that I always know what text I will be lifting each and every Sunday, instead of wrecking my brain all week long searching the bible for something to preach. But the Lord gave us clarity and allowed the message to go forth clearly and concisely to the congregation.

This text is designed to show us that God can and he will give us another chance to get our business straight with him and with others that we have offended with our sinfulness. When I take the time to go back over my own existence, I can shout on the fact that God has given me another chance to right the wrongs that I have done. Here is the sermon outline. I pray that it would be as clear to you as I felt was clear to FMZBC.

Thesis: true believers of Jesus Christ who seek redemption will always seek complete reconciliation for the wrongs they have committed in their lives

I. Recognize the Necessity of Forgiveness

-when children of God pray this prayer it causes us to see that no matter who or what you think you are, all of us need to be forgiven

II. Realize the Nature of Forgiveness

-God has given us a gift that liberates us from the bondage of our sins through his forgiveness of our sins

III. Respond to the Nourishment of Forgiveness

-there is something about forgiveness that nourishes our bodies and souls which allows us to respond to the gift of forgiveness by forgiving others who have done us wrong


Anonymous said...

Pastor Lance, We have never met but you are a blog friend of two of my preaching Sons. I have read many of your blogs and responses and have grown to love and respect your spirtual insight and counsel. I have so often quoted the phrase "we serve a God of another chance" to so many of our members. I truly do believe this. Although I still struggle with a deep hurt that occurred many years ago. It was hard but I forgave myself even though I wasn't at fault.
My dilemma is this...

I feel I have forgiven my transgressor in my heart. Then, it rises up in my memory to hurt once again. I become angry that I have to deal with reliving it and the guilt of wondering if I have truly forgiven. How is this looked upon by God? I don't want it to become an ongoing of "another chance" I want to forgive as God has commanded and the way I want to be forgiven. There are so many other things I have had to forgive. When I remember it, it doesn't hurt like this particular issue. So, in my mind I feel it is truly done, over and forgiven. I would like to hear what you have to say. I have loved ones who could respond to this but, I think you would be unbias in YOUR response to me. Although I welcome any "helpful" response.

Thanking you in advance

Pastor Kraig L. Pullam said...

Again...ANOTHER great outline!!! I can't wait until I begin a series on The Model Prayer. By the way, have you done the Beatitudes?

Clinton Smith said...

Great Outline, reverend!Keep up the good work!

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

As usual it sounds like you hit the ball out the park. The wonders of rest and time with family is truly beyond description.

Keith D. Witherspoon said...

Dr. Great outline!! You are some preacher!!

Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

To anonymous, first of all I am humbled by your complimentary words expressed in your comments. I praise God for everything that occurs in my ministry that is a blessing to the Body of Christ.

With regards to your dilemma, forgiving and forgetting the wrongs that people commit against us is a tough concept to complete, because of the level of hurt that comes with it. But in this text God is telling us that it is our responsibility as true believers of his Son Jesus Christ, to understand that when we pray this prayer, we are really saying to the Lord that we want you to forgive us in the same manner that we forgive others who have offended us. It is our job, no matter how difficult, to let our offenders off the hook for their offenses and give it to God and he is faithful enough to us to take the pain away from the memories of our hurts.

I pray that this was able to answer your dilemma. I look forward to seeing your words on my blog as well as the blogs of your sons in the ministry. Be Blessed.


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Avery Minor II said...

Pastor Mann! You are preaching up in here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor Lance for your response. It was helpful to me to realize I still have some work to do with this issue. But not in the way I thought. I have forgiven the way I want God to forgive me by way of not wanting or desiring revenge. I don't harbor any malice, hate, or contempt for the transgressor. I have let the individual of the hook (I think). All the things I would want God to do in forgiveness of my transgresses.
Except for one thing. I don't want Him (God) to continue to hurt at my expense.

So, is this completely off the Hook when you continue to hurt?

I have not approached God and prayed in the correct manner. I worry so much that with the hurt this means I have not forgiven. I merely need the help of the Lord (as you have said) to stop the pain from reocurring. I have noticed with time I don't think of it as often and the pain not as intense.

You have helped me to not focus so much on the "if" and "how" of forgiving. I press towards the resolve of my hurt. Thank you so much. Give my regards to my Sons. I will be back.

Matthew 21:22